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Community Forum: Voices of Youth Mental Wellness
The Community Forum is the third phase of the CYMH project. At the forum, we shared what the project has done in previous phases. Forums were hosted in Calgary, Lethbridge, and Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada.
Youth, parents/guardians of youth, community partners, and individuals who are interested in youth mental health were invited to join our community forums to share their thoughts for promotion and early intervention on youth mental wellness.
What did the forum look like?
We were honored to hear from youth about their experience and involvement with the CYMH Project. Youth participated in various activities and capacities such as a research assistant, photo storytelling group participant, or web application focus group participant.
We had the opportunity to provide a summary on the project so far and share about the photo story groups and its program evaluation. Photo stories were shared in the forum for attendees to understand youth’s views on mental health and wellness.
The project team wanted to hear from the community about their thoughts on youth mental health and wellness. We facilitated small group discussions using a world café method and collaboratively captured thoughts and feedback.
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